"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

Marthe Troly-Curtin

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Italian Artist Scerbo : Meanings and Constructions

Italian Artist Scerbo : Meanings and Constructions


Scerbo is an Italian artist creating in a counterproductive approach. Following his studies in philosophy, he developed an artistic process based on experimentation and fumbling.


Through a physical engagement of the body in the process, he constructs, locks things together, intertwines. He gives new meanings to ordinary daily life objects, but then dismantles everything. The only things that stays of his sculptures, installations and performances are the images and the memories : the immaterial vestige.  

Italian Artist Scerbo on Anniversary Magazine
Italian Artist Scerbo on Anniversary Magazine

“My experiments with different materials or techniques begin and end without any rational continuity.”
- Scerbo

Italian Artist Scerbo on Anniversary Magazine
Italian Artist Scerbo on Anniversary Magazine
Italian Artist Scerbo on Anniversary Magazine
Italian Artist Scerbo on Anniversary Magazine

“Matter now looks very much like a series of Russian dolls, one containing the others.”
- Vilém Flusser (Immaterialism)

Italian Artist Scerbo on Anniversary Magazine
Italian Artist Scerbo on Anniversary Magazine

“I am interested in conveying a message of pure and unadulterated reflection, distancing myself from sterile provocations and loud denunciations, as I concentrate my efforts on instilling awareness of different aspects of present reality, which I see as a conglomerate of tensions and contradictions between the human ego and its existential evolution.”
- Scerbo

Italian Artist Scerbo on Anniversary Magazine

All images courtesy of Scerbo

Bloc Studios in Collaboration with Valentina Cameranesi, Nick Ross and Objects of Common Interest

Bloc Studios in Collaboration with Valentina Cameranesi, Nick Ross and Objects of Common Interest

Studio Stine Mikkelsen Presents Solid Formations

Studio Stine Mikkelsen Presents Solid Formations