"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

Marthe Troly-Curtin

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City Remnants — By BRUT Collective

City Remnants — By BRUT Collective


BRUT is proud to present its new steps that will allow the collective to position itself even more vitally as a shared design practice and to formulate promising opportunities for future, client-oriented collaborations. Results of a year of increased co-creation and introspection challenged by the current situation but all the more in line with the philosophy and ambitions.


BRUT Depot — a permanent exhibition and meeting space

First of all, the collective’s dedication to materiality, monumentality and inter-personal relationships leads to the introduction of BRUT Depot. A new space for presentation and encounter, situated within the Haptic House in Antwerp, offering the possibility to continuously visualize and access the shared creations.

BRUT Depot opens in the autumn of 2020 with the first chapter of City Remnants, a third shared production in close collaboration with Antoine Architectural Finishes, with which the collective both continues and updates its path. From then on, the Depot will become a dynamic presentation context in which existing and future BRUT arrangements can appear anew and differently; an ongoing yet fluid exhibition to which you will be cordially invited at the appropriate times.

(BRUT Depot expands BRUT’s workplace in Zaventem Ateliers).

City Remnants — By BRUT Collective on Anniversary Magazine
City Remnants — By BRUT Collective on Anniversary Magazine

Milan Design Week 2021

Following the first chapter in the context of the upcoming BRUT depot, the collective will participate in the Milan Design Week in 2021, presenting a second chapter of City Remnants. A (delightful) prospect of which the details will be communicated as soon as the programme of this major event becomes available.

City Remnants — By BRUT Collective on Anniversary Magazine

Transforming spaces: retail, public and domestic

Furthermore, BRUT’s attention to the architectural, sculptural and emotional potential of design and their unique expertise in the creation of delicate settings and spaces, now also nourish the ambition to transform interiors into atmospheric and well-thought-out environments. This client-oriented proposition ad- dresses both private and professional commissioners and includes domestic as well as public or retail contexts.

City Remnants — By BRUT Collective on Anniversary Magazine
City Remnants — By BRUT Collective on Anniversary Magazine
City Remnants — By BRUT Collective on Anniversary Magazine
City Remnants — By BRUT Collective on Anniversary Magazine
City Remnants — By BRUT Collective on Anniversary Magazine

About BRUT Collective

BRUT Collective is Charlotte Jonckheere, Linde Freya Tangelder (Destroyers Builders), Nel Verbeke, Ben Storms and Bram Vanderbeke.

BRUT is a collective of emerging Belgian designers, founded in 2018. The junction of their practices is a natural consequence of their similarities in idiom, concepts and vision. They exemplify a young generation of designers that value the significance of collaboration and collective involvement within the contemporary and international design landscape.

BRUT has a dedicated attention to the architectural, sculptural and emotional potential of design. On the one hand, this focus is a result of the personal sensibilities of the participating designers – the corresponding characters of their practices. On the other hand, it creates a common ground and motive; it realizes and defines a shared environment where the designers can show, strengthen and challenge each other.

BRUT, in close collaboration, conceives and shapes installations: unique, sensible and conceptual settings which contain and emphasize the individual works, but at the same time provide proposals for collectively designed functional objects and structures. In doing so, they express their commitment to formulating collective answers to individual questions, both for domestic, retail and public contexts.

City Remnants — By BRUT Collective on Anniversary Magazine
City Remnants — By BRUT Collective on Anniversary Magazine
City Remnants — By BRUT Collective on Anniversary Magazine
City Remnants — By BRUT Collective on Anniversary Magazine

BRUT has a permanent presentation and meeting space - BRUT Depot - as part of Haptic House Antwerp and works together in their studio in Zaventem Ateliers. In 2019 the collective was honoured with an Henry Van De Velde Young Talent Gold Award.

All images by Alexander Popelier

Archipelago House by Norm Architects

Archipelago House by Norm Architects

Vilhelm Lauritzen — A Modernist Arrival

Vilhelm Lauritzen — A Modernist Arrival