"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

Marthe Troly-Curtin

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About Threefold

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Archaeology, Anthropology and Nature Collide with Todomuta Studio

Archaeology, Anthropology and Nature Collide with Todomuta Studio


Todom­­uta is relatively young, approximately six years since, in 2011, Laura and Sergio’s trajectories converged naturally and became something synergetic. Something that is almost impossible to define as, since then, they have been in constant change, a tireless search for new forms and gazes that orbit around art and design, exploring its frontiers. A discourse that is recognisable for its singularity, but lacking in static laws.


Todomuta is a design studio where freedom of image and attitude prevail, therefore not answering to established norms. If creation is to have no limits, neither must creators. Thus the studio delves into the roots of archaeology, anthropology and nature to create its own collective imagination: a unique universe that insists on the same themes but that incorporates new and varied references.


The studio also admires tradition; it owes it to its ancestral aesthetic features, like the roaring of primeval structures that hybridize with a futuristic and sophisticated air. The mystery of ambiguity and the fusion of opposites. As a consequence, this gives way to the creation of a timeless object, with magic capable of conjuring any imitative trend in the market. An object conceived to surprise and even disquiet. An object that awakens in the viewer a desire that goes beyond a mere act of consumption. The ritual of the unique piece, furnished with matter and spirit.


The founder's duo makes sure that it is part of a connected network of multiple disciplines and researchers, to help it obtain nutrients and grow, and allow it to create the most adequate team for each project. This same network of connections has ensured that architecture, fashion and interior design brands and professionals have shown an interest in the idiosyncrasy of the studio, in a sensibility that is conscious of art being the way. Probably the only one.


Images courtesy of Todomuta Studio

Rei Kawakubo and the Art of the In-Between ⎯ The Met's 2017 Spring Exhibition

Rei Kawakubo and the Art of the In-Between ⎯ The Met's 2017 Spring Exhibition

Barcelona Flat Renovated by Arquitectura-G

Barcelona Flat Renovated by Arquitectura-G