"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

Marthe Troly-Curtin

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About Threefold

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Todomuta Introduces the Re-Collectors Series

Todomuta Introduces the Re-Collectors Series

All life is sustained by the accumulation of diverse materials: a sum that is in constant equilibrium as a result of a biological voyage. The Re-collectors series, created by Spanish design studio Todomuta is born under this premise. From that point onwards, this proposal is based on fragmentation as an evolutionary principle of construction.

Todomuta Introduce the Re-Collectors Series on Anniversary Magazine

The idea of the object experiencing incessant growth, capable of generating new possibilities from a common root, is at the core of this series. The spectator is invited to an imaginative game in which the scales are blurred. Real dimensions are unimportant. The prominence of the structure exposes its skeleton and combines the elements in a light and floating choreography; a mechanic that aspires to integrate the organic in its essence at any given time.

Todomuta Introduce the Re-Collectors Series on Anniversary Magazine
Todomuta Introduce the Re-Collectors Series on Anniversary Magazine
Todomuta Introduce the Re-Collectors Series on Anniversary Magazine
Todomuta Introduce the Re-Collectors Series on Anniversary Magazine
Todomuta Introduce the Re-Collectors Series on Anniversary Magazine
Todomuta Introduce the Re-Collectors Series on Anniversary Magazine
Todomuta Introduce the Re-Collectors Series on Anniversary Magazine
Todomuta Introduce the Re-Collectors Series on Anniversary Magazine
Todomuta Introduce the Re-Collectors Series on Anniversary Magazine
Todomuta Introduce the Re-Collectors Series on Anniversary Magazine
Todomuta Introduce the Re-Collectors Series on Anniversary Magazine
Todomuta Introduce the Re-Collectors Series on Anniversary Magazine
Todomuta Introduce the Re-Collectors Series on Anniversary Magazine
Todomuta Introduce the Re-Collectors Series on Anniversary Magazine

Images courtesy of Todomuta Studio

DB Ghent by Frederic Kielemoes

DB Ghent by Frederic Kielemoes

A Matter of Balance : Anna Karlin's Design Showroom in New York City

A Matter of Balance : Anna Karlin's Design Showroom in New York City