"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

Marthe Troly-Curtin

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Holistic Approach with a Notable Twist — Interview with Robin Klang of Perspective Studio

Holistic Approach with a Notable Twist — Interview with Robin Klang of Perspective Studio

Perspective Studio, the growing Stockholm-based interior studio, delivers on its holistic approach to design.

Co-founder Robin Klang’s career path in interior design was not a direct one. Having started as the first male fashion blogger in Sweden about 15 years ago, and as a stylist for the Swedish magazine Café – the country’s largest men’s fashion magazine back in the days – he later got headhunted by H&M where after half a year he became a buyer, travelling back and forth around the globe. “The viewers were on the same level, and nothing happened after 5 years doing the same thing, so I felt that I needed to do something else. It was nearly the time I got headhunted by H&M that wanted some Fashion-forward guys”, says Klang.

Holistic Approach with a Notable Twist — Interview with Robin Klang of Perspective Studio on Anniversary Magazine

Feeling adventurous on trips every month, his passion for interiors started to form his vision, and his home, in return, had become a playground where he could express his eye and offer Stockholm something which was missing at that point. “…it was the style that I bought myself and loved — the books that I brought home from different trips for inspiration.”

But something else played a main role in bringing Perspective to life. As in many cases, behind a very successful push into vocation stands a wise partner. His boyfriend Ejub Bicic – a UX Designer with a degree in Economics – saw that creative flair in Robin and pushed it all through, putting his past experience as an early-stage business mentor to work.

“So quite soon after we had opened the store, we started receiving projects invites, and that was our path to doing the things we wanted to do — what we do right now.”

Holistic Approach with a Notable Twist — Interview with Robin Klang of Perspective Studio on Anniversary Magazine

They have now permanently closed the store at Sankt Eriksplan in the Vasastan district. When they initially rented this space, they could not afford getting one inside the best neighborhood in Östermalm. However, being only 2 minutes away from their own apartment, it was a gem at that time. Now, as they are processing multiple projects at the same time, they have got back to looking for a new showroom-like space in Östermalm where they could showcase their furniture line, a few artworks from their favorite artists and some other small finds. “We want to have a really nice living room which could be used for working as well as for meetings, while still being able to sell featured pieces layed out through the space. We are now selling online, but it’s extremely important for us to stay visible and to have some physical location. Otherwise, we will be forgotten, in a way.”

Holistic Approach with a Notable Twist — Interview with Robin Klang of Perspective Studio on Anniversary Magazine

When it comes to creating environments, Perspective Studio tries to offer an unusual interpretation of Scandinavian design with a wabi-sabi twist. The most notable and recent project of theirs is a skin therapy clinic, Doctor K, owned by one of their friends and named after his elder brother. “He was up for doing something non-traditional – not like any of these typical blanc light Scandinavian interiors. Therefore, our hands were free and we could do what we wanted.”

Holistic Approach with a Notable Twist — Interview with Robin Klang of Perspective Studio on Anniversary Magazine

From a gallery where artists can get contacted to place their artworks on walls to an academy in the basement where lectures take place, Perspective Studio envisions places where people like to stay at and relax, tracing a clearer line between what is right and what is wrong in interior design.

Due to many of Perspective’s pieces being unique, their stock level remains generally low, although on some days, their apartment may get filled up dramatically, and a pair of dining chairs might be compromised to host new orders placed by their clients. “When we started Perspective Studio, our home had more or less become a second storage or showroom. But now, we only have the things that we want here and we also start having meetings here, opening up the space and inviting people, so it’s more of a studio-apartment until we get the proper showroom and office that we are looking for.”

Holistic Approach with a Notable Twist — Interview with Robin Klang of Perspective Studio on Anniversary Magazine

All images by Alex Lesage, Threefold

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