"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

Marthe Troly-Curtin

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LOVERBOY Charles Jeffrey Fall Winter 2017 collection

LOVERBOY Charles Jeffrey Fall Winter 2017 collection

"The words we usually associate with the world of club kids are ones which relate to escapism. Think about it – ‘hedonism’, ‘fantasy’, ‘underground’. In reality, though, what nightlife culture does best is translate the anxieties and political turbulences of today into something creative and enlivened – and that’s what Charles Jeffrey did yesterday with his show as part of Topman’s MAN emerging talent initiative. Inspired by “warped world events and the existential worries of young creatives in uncertain terrain”, Jeffrey’s group of LOVERBOYs (the collective who attend his club night of the same name) descended into a fantasy world of pagan ritual, outerspace travel and historical fascination."


Photos by Lucie Rox


Text by Emma Hope Allwood

Reposted from Dazed Digital
See full article here >

Hubert Apartment by Septembre Architecture

Hubert Apartment by Septembre Architecture

"Sum of Us" by We Are Huntly

"Sum of Us" by We Are Huntly