"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

Marthe Troly-Curtin

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Fascia — Avyn SS20 Collection Through the Eyes of Marina Denisova

Fascia — Avyn SS20 Collection Through the Eyes of Marina Denisova

“Bodies are an inescapable part of being human. Even if these digital times offer us an opportunity to yield to a life of limited movement, our bodies will be with us until the end. Scientists of anatomy are uncovering the tensegral fascia that provides a movement system for our corporeal forms and defines the nuanced physicality of each individual body.”

These recently defined myofascial trails create a visual framework for the pattern and patchwork of the minimalist pieces of Avyn’s fourth collection. Cuts and pleats form lines that accentuated the nape, the collarbones, and the verticality of the human form. In more casual silhouettes, ribbons interweaved through paper-thin layers of quilted and hand-dyed silk and cotton create a fascia that can be contracted or expanded, directing the drape of a voluminous dress or guiding the eye rhythmically around the form in pleated patterns. It is not lost on us that ribbons are also known as “fascia” in Italy, where Avyn’s collection is produced in Veneto. All their materials are selected from distinguished Italian and Japanese suppliers.


Marina Denisova




Camilla Marini

Fascia — Avyn SS20 Collection Through the Eyes of Marina Denisova on Anniversary Magazine
Fascia — Avyn SS20 Collection Through the Eyes of Marina Denisova on Anniversary Magazine
Fascia — Avyn SS20 Collection Through the Eyes of Marina Denisova on Anniversary Magazine
Fascia — Avyn SS20 Collection Through the Eyes of Marina Denisova on Anniversary Magazine
Fascia — Avyn SS20 Collection Through the Eyes of Marina Denisova on Anniversary Magazine
Fascia — Avyn SS20 Collection Through the Eyes of Marina Denisova on Anniversary Magazine
Fascia — Avyn SS20 Collection Through the Eyes of Marina Denisova on Anniversary Magazine
Fascia — Avyn SS20 Collection Through the Eyes of Marina Denisova on Anniversary Magazine
Fascia — Avyn SS20 Collection Through the Eyes of Marina Denisova on Anniversary Magazine
Fascia — Avyn SS20 Collection Through the Eyes of Marina Denisova on Anniversary Magazine
Sainte by Lambert & Fils — a Suspension Light in Dialogue with Gravity

Sainte by Lambert & Fils — a Suspension Light in Dialogue with Gravity

The Slow — a New Café and Concept Store by Frama in Beirut, Lebanon

The Slow — a New Café and Concept Store by Frama in Beirut, Lebanon