"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

Marthe Troly-Curtin

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Rooted Flows: Solidified Reflections by Linde Freya Tangelder

Rooted Flows: Solidified Reflections by Linde Freya Tangelder


In the show Rooted Flows: Solidified Reflections by designer Linde Freya Tangelder, founder of Antwerp-based studio Destroyers/Builders, the structural and plastic syntax of architecture is broken down into its elements, only to be recomposed and reimagined as objects of varying degrees of utility. Consisting of pieces made as one-offs or limited editions, the results of Tangelder’s residency in Turin can be interpreted both as architectural fragments and highly sculptural design essays — an ambiguity that takes them beyond their function as mere furnishings or décor.

Resulting from a collaboration between Linde Freya Tangelder, Carwan Gallery, and IN Residence, the project features the designer’s first illustrated monographic book alongside a body of work conceived in Turin during the residency program with her first product designed for Cassina.

Exhibition on view until April 9, 2022.

Carwan Gallery
Polidefkous 39, 18 545, Athens, Greece

Rooted Flows: Solidified Reflections by Linde Freya Tangelder on Anniversary Magazine

All images by Jeroen Verrecht

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